
29 July 2013

Challenge Review: From This Day Forward

Books: From This Day Forward
Author: Joana Starnes

From This Day Forward follows the Darcys during their first years as a married couple. Although over all this is was an enjoyable book I found it a little slow to begin with. The first part of the book shows us how these two love birds live together while getting to know each other better. Their first Christmas is a happy time filled with so much love and joy. It always shows us into Mary and Kitty's lives and their gentlemen acquaintances. After all Mrs. Bennet's purpose in life to find suitable men for her daughters. Also during this first year we get to see Georgiana come into her own. First with building a relationship with Elizabeth and then deciding whom her heart truly wants. Luckily for her she has two possible suitors that give her the space she needs to work through her thoughts and heart.

The second year starts off great but as Christmas rolls around again, there is a tragic misfortune that could tear the Darcy a part. A lot of love and compassion from Darcy will help Elizabeth over this hurtle and that is something we all love about Darcy. He loves his family above all else and will do anything and everything for them.

The third year is better with the addition of the Darcy heir! What could be more thrilling and more loving then a addition to the family. Not only that, but Georgiana also gets married and so does Mary and Kitty. It was a lovely turn of events that shows us that although our couple can and will succeed through life's adversities and come out stronger on the flip side.

In the end I truly enjoyed this story with its ups and downs that life puts before us. It was a delightful, indeed!


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